To get the NEET 2024 answer keys, you can follow these steps:

Official Website: Check the official website of the National Testing Agency (NTA) or NEET for updates on the release of answer keys.
Educational Portals: Many educational portals and websites may provide unofficial answer keys shortly after the exam. These can be useful for reference, but be sure to verify the accuracy of the information.
Social Media: Follow official NEET accounts or educational groups on social media platforms for announcements and updates regarding the release of answer keys.
Coaching Institutes: Coaching institutes often release their own answer keys shortly after the exam. You can check their websites or contact them for access to these resources.
Forums and Communities: Online forums and communities dedicated to NEET preparation may also share unofficial answer keys. However, exercise caution and verify the credibility of the source before relying on the information provided.
Remember to double-check the answers against multiple sources to ensure accuracy.

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